Did you know?
Your hearing health has a direct effect on your overall health.

- Hearing aids can reduce the effects of dementia & Alzheimer’s
- Those with hearing loss experience a 30-40% greater decline in thinking abilities compared to those without hearing loss
- Depression, uncorrected hearing loss gives rise to poorer quality of life, isolation and reduced social activity, leading to depression.
- Ototoxicity, there are more than 200 medications/prescription and over-the-counter/on the market today that are known to be ototoxic- which, quite literally, means “poison to the ears”.
- Fever, malaria, meningitis- or anything that elevates temperature can cause damage to hair cells in the inner ear and cause hearing loss.
- Maintaining healthy weight & staying physically active may help reduce the risk of hearing loss.
- Osteoporosis, a study linked osteoporosis and hearing loss, theorizing that [deninerauzation] of the [three] middle ear bones may contribute to a conductive hearing implement.
- Hearing loss is twice as common in people with diabetes compared to those without.
- The inner ear is extremely sensitive to blood flow. Inadequate blood flow and trauma to the blood vessels of the inner ear can contribute to hearing loss.
- There is a significant association between high blood pressure and hearing loss.
- Tinnitus affects people. It can be caused by hearing loss,or an ear injury.
- Several studies point to a significant correlation between hearing loss and loss of cognitive functions
- Current smokers have a higher risk of hearing loss than nonsmokers.