Our practice
Hefer & Labuschagne Audiologists originated from an existing practice, “Daleen de Kock Audiologists” that was established in 1995. This practice was well known and respected in the community and in both medical practitioner and specialist’s circles on the East Rand. Christelle Labuschagne and Sonja Hefer were both employed as audiologists by “Daleen de Kock Audiologists”.
In 2004, Daleen de Kock decided to sell her practice to spend more time with her family. Christelle and Sonja then bought this practice and renamed it as Hefer & Labuschagne Audiologists. This successful partnership is now 16 years old and is constantly growing.
Hefer & Labuschagne Audiologists is situated in a cosy cottage style house in Western Extension, Benoni. Our location and premises create a warm homely, yet professional atmosphere. The patients visiting the practice, especially children, are much more at ease here than in a cold clinical environment. Our location is very central and allows the audiologists easy and quick access to the hospitals and schools they service. It allows the Specialists to refer to a premises close to them.
What we aim for
Together, as the Hefer & Labuschagne Team, we strive to create HAPPY HEARING PEOPLE!
Accurate Diagnosis and treatment of all hearing losses throughout all age groups.
All hearing impaired people should have access to the latest hearing technology as early as possible in their lives.
What we aim for
Together, as the Hefer & Labuschagne Team, we strive to create HAPPY HEARING PEOPLE!
Accurate Diagnosis and treatment of all hearing losses throughout all age groups.
All hearing impaired people should have access to the latest hearing technology as early as possible in their lives.
Our team

Christelle Labuschagne & Sonja Hefer
Audiologists / Owners
Are both qualified Speech Therapists and Audiologists. They both graduated from the University of Pretoria. Christelle has been in the field for 30 years and Sonja for 21 years. Together they form a very successful team.

Siegfried Geldenhuys
Receptionist / Administration
Our very capable receptionist assists patients with making appointments, dealing with queries, minor cleaning, and servicing of hearing instruments and keeping us in the public eye by updating the practice’s social media pages.

Tersia Retief
Receptionist / Financial Matters
Our receptionist and financial administrator. She also assists in minor repairs or troubleshooting on the defective hearing instruments. She handles the very sensitive financial issues in a professional and calm way. She has been part of the team for 14 years and hopefully for many more.
Our clients
As ek reg Onthou het Marga my na jou aanbeveel en dit is die beste besluit wat ek kon geneem het. Ek moet jou komplimenteer want ek was al by verskeie Oudioloë maar jou diens, jou deernis en toegewydheid waarmee jy mens behandel staan ver bo die ander uit.
Op hierdie stadium lyk dit dat ek en Iris volgende jaar Kaap toe gaan trek en dit sal jammer wees as ek van Oudioloog sal moet verander. Jy het lyk my ‘n person na wie jy my kan aanbeveel.
Solank sy so knap soos jy is!
Nogmaals dankie vir jou uitstekende diens. Jy is werklik ‘n aanwins vir jou beroep.
We at the SPCA don’t know how to thank you enough for the assistance you gave to Ben by helping him obtain his hearing aids.
Ben is one of our valuable employees and has been with us for nine years. With his hearing restored he is now even more valuable. His responsibility is the cats we care for and he does a wonderful job with them.
Your generosity and Val’s help has been amazing and his quality of life is so much better.
At our last committee meeting Val gave feedback to us all and we are grateful for your help.Please come and visit us at the SPCA and see the valuable work we do. We also have a charity shop for raising funds and you are welcome to come and browse around, you may see something you like there.
If you do come to visit please introduce yourself so we can personally thank you for your concern and generosity.
Dear Christelle
Our sincere thanks for all your efforts to enlighten us regarding the new developments in audiology and assisting Mike in being able to hear the grass grow.
Much appreciated
Dear Sonja,
I was so busy that I missed sending a thank You.
Thank You for assisting me with this hearing aid (Signia) it changed My life completely, I don’t have to say to the people “can You repeat what You just said “ or “pardon Me?”
I can Listen to music again and I is mind blowing to actually hear the words of the Song. I am thankful for awesome people like Yourself.
Thank You out of the bottom of my hard. May God bless You and the business.
Once again thank You
Hierdie is soveel meer as herinneringe vasgevang op kamera. Hierdie is alles tekens van ñ journey. N Journey wat ons met vrees en onsekerheid begin het. Van die eerste tree was Christelle en Sonja daar om hierdie pad saam met ons te stap. In die bekwame hande van Christelle het ons stelselmagtig agtergekom dat ons hierdie pad kan stap. Nie net kan stap nie maar dat dit ñ mooi journey ook sal wees. Ek is elke dag dankbaar vir hierdie engelmense. Vanaf die dames in ontvangs en rekeninge tot by die Christelle en Sonja het hulle ons lewe so verryk. Dankie sal nooit genoeg kan wees nie. Dis gerusstellend om te weet dat ons die pad saam met julle kan stap. Ten spyte van die onsekerhede weet ons ons is in julle veilige hande. Ń Wêreld het vir my dogtertjie oopgegaan. Ń Wêreld van klanke en geluide en selfs blare wat sag fluister…
Christelle has played a vital role in our son’s life by adapting to his new life of wearing hearing aids. We have been with Christelle for 9 years. We have gone from wearing much bigger and older technology hearing aids to the latest in technology. When our son was in primary school Christelle also introduced us to the FM system. I didn’t even know things like this exist. But wow what a difference that made to our sons schooling and self-confidence. She has always given us the best advice and supported us all the way to help our son achieve the best he can.
I would highly recommend Christelle as an audiologist –her unbelievable knowledge of her industry and her beautiful and caring heart would definitely explain why she truly is the best in the business!!!
I have been referred to the audio practice by an ENT specialist, and have been visiting the practice for the last +/- 17 years. I have only but received the most professional and friendly service on every visit.
Recently I had contracted a viral infection that affected the nerve of my one ear, therefore causing my hearing aid that I have been using for the last of couple of years, not to perform / deliver the way it should. Christelle introduced me to the new product that is available on the market from Signia, and boy what a change. There are no words to describe the feeling and effect I experienced when the new apparatus was fitted. For the first time, since I contracted the viral infection that caused tinnitus in my left ear, I could experience sound over and above the ‘noise’ I have had in my left ear for the last couple of months.
Thank you Christelle for your professionalism and care in helping me to experience sound again. There are no amount of words to express my sincerest gratitude for the gift of hearing!!!
I recently visited Hefer & Labuschagne Audiologists, and was most impressed with the service that I received. Sonja was very friendly, and comprehensively explained the hearing process to me.
I was keen on selecting a mid-specification device, however, conscious of my needs, I was shown a device with fewer channels, and lower cost, which would be ideal for my condition, and especially my budget. To my surprise, I was also told that the device was also on a “special offer”. I can highly recommend Hefer & Labuschagne Audiologists for their honest approach, and tangible love for what they do.
Good morning Sonja and thank you very much for seeing me yesterday. I must also thank you for setting my hearing aids which has made a significant difference to my hearing. You are certainly good at what you do and really do appreciate your kindness and also your explanations whilst doing things. Your also show compassion to your patients and your willingness to assist them.
Really professional and will surely recommend your practice to anyone I know with hearing and speech issues.
God bless you all and stay safe.